[10000ダウンロード済み√] 京楽春水 320121
Sometimes translated as "Syunsui Kyoraku") is the former 8th Division Captain of the Gotei 13, now serving as the GeneralCommander of the Gotei 13 and the Captain of the 1st Division His lieutenants are Nanao IseShunsui Sōzōsa Kyōraku no Jirō (京楽 次郎 総蔵佐 春水, Kyouraku no Jirou Souzousa Shunsui), often simply shortened to Shunsui Kyōraku (京楽 春水, Kyouraku Shunsui; 京楽春水は護廷十三隊・元八番隊隊長で現一番隊隊長及び護廷十三隊総隊長。上級貴族・京楽家の次男坊でフルネームは「京楽 次郎 総蔵佐 春水」。隊長羽織の上から女物の着物を羽織り女物の長い帯を袴の帯として使うなどいわゆる傾奇者(かぶきもの)のような派手な服装を好んで着用 京楽 春水 ぬいぐるみ Plushtoykingdom Com 京楽春水